Môj život sa začal v Prekambrijskom mori pred 5, 9 miliardami rokov. Prastaré ryby ma naučili prežiť vo vode a tak som odišla žiť s nimi do hĺbky oceánov. Keď som bola v hĺbke oceánu, bol vo mne voľný priestor. Máte v sebe voľný priestor? Aspoň taký maličký ako Kinder vajce. Ale prázdne. Nič tam nesmie byť. A práve v tom NIČ, v tom prázdne ste vy. Radím vám. Udržte si v sebe toto miesto. Toto prázdno. Ticho. Tento stred vás. Lebo sa stratíte. Zablúdite! Ako dieťa v čiernom lese. Dlho sa budete znovu hľadať. Trhať sa. Páliť sa. Budú z vás odhrýzať. Ako z čokoládovej tyčinky…
Text: Jana Bodnárová
Scenár: Jana Wernerová
Dramaturgická spolupráca: Tereza Trusinová
Scénografia: Daša Krištofovičová
Hudba: Dead Janitor
Koncept, réžia, hrajú: Jana Wernerová, Peter Kočiš
Technická podpora: Dušan Kopčov, Palko Matia
Produkcia: Jana Wernerová, Peter Kočiš
Trvanie: 55 minút bez prestávky.
Premiéra: 18.11.2022, Divadlo Na Peróne, Zvonárska 18, Košice.
Vznik predstavenia z verejných zdrojov podporili Fond na podporu umenia, Mesto Košice a Creative Industry Košice.
Sea Bottom Girl
My life began in the Precambrian Sea 5,9 billion years ago. Ancient fish taught me how to
survive in the water and so I went to live with them in the depths of the oceans. When I was
in the depths of the ocean, there was a free space inside me. Do you have a free space
inside you? At least as small as a Kinder egg. But empty. Nothing must be there. And in that
nothing, in that empty is you. I advise you. Keep this place within you. This emptiness.
Silence. This centre of you. For you will lose yourself. You will get lost! Like a child in a black
forest. You will be searching for yourself long again. You’ll tear yourself apart. Burn yourself.
They will bite from you. As from of a chocolate bar…
Lea found herself in a psychiatric institution. As a child, she lived with only a mother who
neglected her. She used to get into difficult life situations, unable to navigate them, and she
had no one in her life in whom she could confide. Alone, closed off, she found herself as a
mature woman in another psychiatric institution and a new doctor takes her case into his
Text: Jana Bodnárová
Script: Jana Wernerová
Dramaturgical collaboration: Tereza Trusinová
Set design: Daša Krištofovičová
Music: Dead Janitor
Concept, directed and played by: Jana Wernerová, Peter Kočiš
Technical support: Dušan Kopčov, Palko Matia
Production: Jana Wernerová, Peter Kočiš
Runtime: 55 min. without the break.
The performance was supported using public funding by the Slovak Arts Council, City Košice and Creative Industry Košice.
Premiere: 18.11.2022, Divadlo Na Peróne, Zvonárska 18, Košice.